I checked some things off of my 101 list, but I kept forgetting to blog about it!
#39 -- Update my address book. This one took awhile, but I got it updated! There are a few missing spots, but it's a LOT better than it was before!
#46 -- Delete my Myspace. YES. Hahah. Okay, so... I tried to delete it. But, like forever a century ago, I forgot my e-mail password - and that e-mail was linked to m account. I could still log in, just didn't get the e-mails from them. I could never change it since I couldn't get into my old e-mail. But I deleted this at the beginning of the semester, "delete" meaning take everything off, delete friends and send an e-mail to Myspace saying, delete my account! Haven't checked it.... since I don't know when. Good enough.
#63 -- Buy three tops that are not t-shirts or graphic tees. Believe it or not, I actually accomplished this! :) Three casual long-sleeve tops from Target. Fabbbbulous.
#75 -- Join a Bible study and only miss once. Hehe... I guess I might've cheated on this one? I don't know... does leading a Bible study count for this? I'm going to let it. One of my favorite things from this semester, by far.
# 77 -- Buy a new hamper. Even better, my momma bought one for me! I'll add pictures sometime soon. (haha, pictures of a hamper....)
#79 -- Go to a recital. Went and saw "City Below" dance recital.... so good!
#86 -- Purchase a TWLOHA shirt. I ordered one, and it was the wrong size. Return, refund, get another one. Finallyyyy it came in! :)
#100 -- Figure out how to back up my computer. Well, I haven't done the time machine thing that Mac's have...? I need to do some research on that. BUT, I have a huge flash drive that I'm going to store all pictures, music, and documents on. :)