June 28, 2009 -- March 25, 2012
1. Run a 5K.
2. Wear a dress to class five times. [8/27]
3. Go to Washington, D.C.
4. Sell some of my art. [04/2010]
5. Study abroad, again.
6. Go on a mission trip with the BSM. [March 2010]
7. Cook something I've never cooked before. [8/20/10]
8. Go a full day, most of it in public, without make-up.[3/26/10]
9. Get a graphic design internship. [10/1/10]
10. Roadtrip somewhere out of state to run another 5K.
11. Have an A1C under 7%.
13. Visit Austin.
14. Go to a spa for a massage. [12/29/10]
15. Compete in an art show. [March 2010]
16. See a drive-in movie. [7/10/10]
17. Go horseback riding in PDC. [4/30/11]
18. Watch a live Texas Tech game (any sport).
19. Lose 15 pounds.
20. Go camping.
21. Design my own photo branding/logo. [7/5/09]
22. Go a month without eating hamburger.[8/1/09]
23. Be in the states, not on vacation - and go a week without anyFacebook. [06/10]
24. Take a photo everyday for a month. [8/1/09]
25. See a major band/artist in concert. [8/12/2009]
26. For five months, take one day a month to do absolutely nothing.
27. Buy the season three of Gilmore Girls. [Christmas '11]
28. Have a picnic. [2/12/11]
29. Watch a scary movie.
30. Become un-scared of Taylor's dog. [Fall '11]
31. Have more A's than B's (and no C's) for one full school year. [05/2010]
32. Buy the Grey's Anatomy seasons.
33. Make five new Itunes playlists. [7/20/09]
34. Go to an amusement park.[7/13/09]
35. Have an art weekend (painting, drawing, pictures). [8/8/09]
36. Buy a GOOD digital camera. [8/11/2009]
37. Clean out my iTunes. [7/5/09]
38. Re-do my "100 Things That Make Me Happy" list from high school.
39. Update my address book. [12/30/09]
40. Call my sister once a month for six months.
41. Check my blood sugar at least three times a day, for one month. [8/4/09]
42. Road-trip to at least three football games.
43. Complete p90x.
44. Don't wear a t-shirt (minus working out) for one week.
45. Figure out how to post this list on the side of my blog. [6/28/09]
46. Delete my Myspace. [12/4/09]
47. De-clutter my room. [7/26/09]
48. Go back to drinking 3 bottles of water every day, for a month.[8/1/09]
49. Only go to Wal-Mart once a week (unless for school supplies) for two months.
50. Go star-gazing. [06/2010]
51. Ride my bike in PDC.
52. Road-trip somewhere far away. [12/10]
53. See the ocean again. [3/13/10]
54. Be baptized. [1/17/10]
55. Do a photo shoot for someone. [08/10]
56. Participate in at least one dorm "program" a month for a semester.
57. Figure out how to do a countdown for this list. [7/7/09]
58. Make crafty room signs for me and four friends.[8/8/09]
59. Write Ellie a letter every other week for three months.
60. Join an intramural team.
61. Get a pedicure.
62. Go one week without passing judgement aloud.
63. Buy three tops that are not t-shirts or graphic tees. [12/27/09]
64. See three movies in the theatre before Christmas 2009. [7/16, 7/26, 8/7]
65. Visit my sister in Kansas City. [Winter 2009]
66. Try turkey burgers. [7/1/09]
67. Wear my glasses (minus working out) for a week.
68. Be able to bench press more than the bar.
69. Try a new food. [3/24/10]
70. Go a month without pop.[8/1/09]
71. Fully paint my face at a football game.
72. Watch three WT soccer games.
73. Watch three WT softball games. [2/27/10, 3/6/10, 4/30/10]
74. Participate in five new on-campus activities.
75. Join a Bible Study and only miss once. [11/30/09]
76. Go to the HELC to print, instead of using my own paper for one month. [9/24/09]
77. Buy a new hamper. [12/19/09]
78. Put some sort of furniture in the awkward corner in our suite. [7/25/09]
79. Go to a recital. [11/20/09]
80. Visit the ArtWalk at Sunset Center five times. [8/7/09, 9/4/09, 10/2/09, 11/6/09, 3/5/10]
81. Eat out at a new restaurant. [7/2/09]
82. Celebrate my diabetic birthday. [7/3/09 - one day early!]
83. Do the 365 Day Project on Flickr.
84. Unplug for a weekend (computer, TV, phone). [8/8/09]
85. Make a notebook of quotes/lyrics. [8/14/09]
86. Purchase a TWLOHA shirt. [12/1/09]
87. Name a star after something/someone important.
88. Become certified in CPR.
89. Buy and be comfortable in a bikini.
90. Keep a school planner for one school year. [05/2010]
91. Do Walk for Diabetes. [8/28/10]
92. Donate $5 to JDRF for every task not completed.
93. Document pictures for tasks completed.
94. Keep a food log for two weeks.
95. Convince one person to do this. [7/2/09]
96. Eliminate all sugar (unless low) for 30 days. [9/10/09]
97. Try Geocaching. [5/18/10]
98. Go go-cart racing.
99. Buy ice cream from the ice cream truck. [3/23/12]
100. Figure out how to back-up my computer. [12/26/09]
101. Finish this list and make another.