Monday, October 11, 2010

Who, Why, How!

I have 27 followers. 27! What! Crazy talk.

I also have a tracker on my blog (sounds so creepy)... that tells me WHERE people are from when they visit.

But, I want to know WHO you are! Why are you here? How did you find my blog? :)

... so leave a comment!


  1. Well, for some reason, I just did this and the posting didn't work. Im Tim, and yes, as your tracker says, from Central Oregon. I found your blog on "Shameless Saturday" on Stuff Christians Like.

  2. I'm an older Christian woman just learning the computer and how to post a comment.I linked to your blog indirectly through Proverbs 31 Ministries and I enjoy reading so much the testimonies of young women who love Christ and also viewing the technology of blogs,photos,and videos.I love how these can be used for God's glory.Thanks!
