Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Summer to-do.

There are lots of things I missed out on last summer, have found out about this year and now want to do, or just want to do... so I'm starting a list:

- eat at Rooftop
- go to Anthropology
- do the couch to 5k plan
- finish my summer reading list
- read through the whole Bible chronologically
- hike or drive to Baldy
- get to know the nice voluteers
- ride my bike to Pecos
- do the zipline
- possibly an Isotopes game
- go to the flea market in Santa Fe
- photo shoots with as many summer staffers possible

...to be continued.


  1. maybe you need to stay longer to get this all accomplished...
    : )

  2. i miss it already... :(

    gonna have to stay in touch!

    rooftop is amazing by the way!
    hiking or driving to baldy is another one i wished i would have done as well
