1. Running in the rain.
2. Black and white photographs.
3. Finding good quotes.
4. A new shirt.
5. Seeing my pictures from Europe.
6. My prayer moccasin joke.
7. Sitting in church beside my friends.
8. Being complimented.
9. Finding a good sale.
10. Fun, late nights with friends.
11. Talking to my Grandma Shogren.
12. Seeing God work through other people.
13. Laughing at nothing.
14. Inside jokes.
15. Good days in the cafeteria.
16. Talking to an old friend.
17. Being able to sleep in.
18. Getting my paycheck.
19. Seeing God's beauty in a sunset.
20. The way the WT clock tower looks at night.
21. The sound of rain on windows.
22. Cloudy-but-not-too-cold days.
23. Hearing my favorite song on the radio.
24. Making pointless Facebook videos.
25. Getting snail mail.
26. Good critiques on my art.
27. Doodling with Sharpie's.
28. The smell of laundry right out of the dryer.
29. Movie nights.
30. The feeling after working out.
31. Seeing pictures of newborn babies.
32. Coffee.
33. Giving or receiving hugs.
34. Walking around campus at night, talking with a good friend.
35. Surprises.
36. Wearing a summer dress.
37. Passing a test I thought I failed.
38. Watching snow fall.
39. Family time during the holidays.
40. The smell of Febreeze.
41. Good hair days.
42. Blogging.
43. Long road-trips.
44. Getting a massage.
45. Painting my toenails.
46. Enjoying my job.
47. A good fountain Diet Dr. Pepper.
48. Hearing live, amazing music.
49. The smell of Mexican food.
50. Acoustic guitars.
51. Having friends who love God.
52. Seeing my sister.
53. Going to Camp Discovery.
54. The feeling when I see a guy I like :)
55. Knowing I did something right.
56. Walking through art galleries.
57. Playing volleyball.
58. My grandma's sugar-free apple pie.
59. Finding other diabetic friends.
60. Short lines in Wal-Mart.
61. Having a class canceled.
62. Afternoon naps.
63. A new pair of sweatpants.
64. Seeing leaves rustle along the sidewalk.
65. Getting a new haircut.
66. Knowing I have a God that loves me.
67. Looking through my scrapbooks.
68. Having my art complimented.
69. Taking a really good picture.
70. Reading my favorite Scripture.
71. Shopping in Hobby Lobby.
72. Cleaning my room.
73. Coupons for free food.
74. Tanning by the pool.
75. Reading a good book.
76. Taking a bike ride at night.
77. Driving with the windows down.
78. Singing loudly to Taylor Swift songs.
79. Two-stepping.
80. College.
81. My Macbook.
82. Seeing my friends happy.
83. Painting.
84. Hearing fire cackle.
85. Going home for home-cooked food.
86. Underlining something in my Bible.
87. A good blood sugar.
88. Scrapbooking.
89. Remembering how I felt my first day of college.
90. Rearranging furniture.
91. Smell of freshly baked cookies.
92. Getting packages in the mail.
93. Watching live sports.
94. Long weekends.
95. Hearing thunder.
96. Going to the Soda Shoppe.
97. Yearbooks.
98. Long talks with friends.
99. Hot showers.
100. Teddy Bears from Dollar General.
love it :)