Friday, February 25, 2011


I saw a quote this morning that said,

Having a religion will not save you, having a relationship with Him will.

I honestly can't picture life without my relationship with Christ. Which is funny, kinda, because for a long, long time, I was one of those Christians that just knew it as a religion, not a relationship.

Christianity is not easy, it's not always fun, and it's definitely not always safe. Marriages fall apart sometimes because people stop trying, they stop caring, and things get hard. Our society likes things easy. If things get too complicated or difficult, we cop out. Having a relationship with Christ is the same way. You have to work at it.

And believe it or not, that is much more than going to church and Bible study every week, and having a quiet time every day. It's active communication, a fight, putting forth effort.

Psalm 63 says, You satisfy me more than the richest feast.
Do we really cherish and get more satisfaction from Him than food? sleep? people?

In my Bible, I wrote "the only way to have a consistent walk with Him and reach the fullness of joy!" by verse one...  I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you, my whole body longs for you...

There is fullness of joy in Him.
There is no greater satisfaction than in Him.

Even in the midst of busyness and college life, we (I) should be earnestly seeking Him. Things have to change, I can't continue feeling this way. My heart broke this morning as I thought about and prayed for every person in my life (whether I am aware of their hurt or not) that may be feeling empty, lonely, lost, frustrated... and don't have a relationship with Christ, that don't feel like they can turn to Christ and pour our their heart and their troubles to Him.

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