Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day Two.

Write about the best friends you've had over the years. 

I could probably write a novel over this. I realized this past year how much I over-use that term.
So I'll just narrow it down.

First and foremost, if you've been reading this very long or know me at all, you know my very best friend and other half of my brain is Ellie. I've been asked numerous times how we can possibly be "best friends" when we've never spent more than seven consecutive days together. God, that's how. Plus e-mails, phone calls, BBM, skype, pen pal letters, Facebook, etc. This girl not only gives great advice, great hugs, and can always cheer me up, but also loves me for me.

If I look back to high school, I would definitely have to say Nicolle. She was a foreign exchange student, so we had less than a year together. I still remember at her welcoming party, her walking up to me and saying, "would you like to be my friend?" I believe God sent me her for many reasons. Nicolle opened my eyes to what a real friend actually looks like, she understood me, and she kind of straightened me back out from my crazy self.

This blog would not be complete without mentioning Taylor. We are almost one in the same, which is why we've learned we can't spend every waking moment together. Although all of my friends have some commonalities, (is that a word?) I feel like each have their special flair. It may be obvious, but Taylor is the girl I send cool type posters to, text about Hoblob specials, and skype with just to get a mini-critique on a project. We also have weird quirks: hand sign, Taco Bell obsession, love of Dallas, twss jokes, etc.

And last but not least (I'm capping it at four), Kelli. You might've thought it was weird when I became best friends with someone after a year. Well, it gets better. Three months. Except, in Glorieta time that would probably equal a year. Looking back, I kind of pulled a Nicolle on her; I remember sitting at FD and saying, "Kelli, tell me about yourself. Tell me your testimony." When that's one of your first conversations, you know you'll be great friends. Interventions factor in as well.

There have been and are many more; Aaron, Angela, Allison, Becky, the rest of fab five, high school friends, and of course those that I no longer talk to for whatever reason.

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